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Re: Building Mythtv 31 with Ansible

Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2020 7:18 pm
by crowston
Thanks for your efforts in building and distributing the app. I have been using an old laptop as a front end but it can only run El Capitan, not High Sierra. I am wondering if I could follow these instructions to compile for that OS version or if there was a new prerequisite in v31 that requires a newer OS. I guess the later, since otherwise you wouldn't have built it for 10.13, but thought I'd ask since I haven't seen it discussed.

Re: Building Mythtv 31 with Ansible

Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2020 11:57 pm
by jhoyt
To be honest - I don't know. I actually was originally building on Catalina but there was a very vocal crowd on the mythtv users mailing list requesting a build for High Sierra - so I installed a VM and gave it a whirl. To my surprise, once I got a High Sierra version of Xcode installed, everything just worked.

On High Sierra I was building with Xcode 10. A quick internet search (non-definitive) tells me El Capitan supports only up to Xcode 9. I am unsure what the differences between the two versions are.

I'd suggest giving it a try. The most likely two failures are that macports reports it can't install a necessary port or that mythtv won't compile. Either way we'll all get to learn something new.

Re: Building Mythtv 31 with Ansible

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2020 12:44 pm
by crowston
Following your instructions, it seems that the file hosts.macports isn't included in the git repo, so installing the prerequisites didn't work.

I did a bit of research. It seems that you can tell clang to compile for an earlier OS version by adding the command line option "-mmacosx-version-min=xxx". However, that seems to depend on whether the right SDK is available. It also seems that the latest version of Qt requires 10.13. Qt 5.9 seems to be the last version that supported 10.11. I don't know whether that would work for v31.

Rather than cross-compiling, I will try building on the target laptop, if someone can provide the hosts.macports file.

Re: Building Mythtv 31 with Ansible

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2020 1:55 pm
by jhoyt
You're right - Bill and I made some tweaks to the compile - you now only need the following:

Code: Select all

ansible-playbook-3.8 qt5.yml --ask-become-pass
I'll fix the instructions.

Re: Building Mythtv 31 with Ansible

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2020 2:09 pm
by jhoyt
BTW - here is a highly experimental updated version of my script (that actually runs as a script). I've been slowly updating it with the intention of posting once I finish testing it (got sidetracked with the 1/4 screen issues). I believe it is missing the commenting out of the packaging filter lines (I do this on my system with a pactch file now...).

You'll need to save the script into a file named "compileMythtvAnsible.zsh" and make it executable.

To run it, just run

Code: Select all

There are some input flags - run the following to print the flags

Code: Select all

./compileMythtvAnsible.zsh --help

Code: Select all


### Note - macports must be installed on your system for this script to work!!!!!
if ! [ -x "$(command -v port)" ]; then
  echo 'Error: Macports is not installed.' >&2
  exit 1

    cat <<EOF
Usage: [options]
Options: [defaults in brackets after descriptions]

Standard options:
  --help                                 Print this message
  --build-plugins=BUILD_PLUGINS          Build Mythtvplugins (false)
  --python-version=PYTHON_VERS           Desired Python 3 Version (38)
  --version=MYTHTV_VERS                  Requested mythtv git repo (fixes/31)
Patch Options
  --apply-patches=APPLY_PATCHES          Apply patches specified in additional arguments (false)
  --mythtv-patch-dir=MYTHTV_PATCH_DIR    Directory containing patch files to be applied to Mythtv
  --packaging-patch-dir=PACK_PATCH_DIR   Directory containing patch files to be applied to Packaging
  --plugins-patch-dir=PLUGINS_PATCH_DR   Directory containing patch files to be applied to Mythplugins
Support Ports Options
  --skip-ansible=SKIP_ANSIBLE            Skip downloading ports with ansible (false)
                                         NOTE: Only do this if you are sure you have installed ALL dependencies
  --update-ports=UPDATE_PORTS            Update macports (false)

  exit 0

# set flag for building plugins

for i in "$@"
  case $i in
        exit 0
        echo "Unknown option $i"
              # unknown option
        exit 1

# Specify mythtv version to pull from git

# setup some paths to make the following commands easier to understand
export PATH=/opt/local/lib/mysql57/bin:$PATH
OS_VERS=$(/usr/bin/sw_vers -productVersion)

echo "------------ Setting Up Directory Structure ------------"
# setup the working directory structure
mkdir -p $REPO_DIR
# create the install temporary directory
mkdir -p $INSTALL_DIR

# install and configure ansible and gsed
# ansible to install the missing required ports,
# gsed for the fix later
echo "------------ Setting Up Initial Ports for Ansible ------------"
if $UPDATE_PORTS; then
  sudo port selfupdate
  sudo port upgrade
$ check if ansible is installed
if ! [ -x "$(command -v $ANSIBLE_PLAYBOOK)" ]; then
  echo Installing python and ansilble
  sudo port -N install py$PYTHON_VERS-ansible
  sudo port select --set python python$PYTHON_VERS
  sudo port select --set python3 python$PYTHON_VERS
  sudo port select --set ansible py$PYTHON_VERS-ansible
  echo "skipping ansible install - it is already installed"
# check is gsed is installed (for patching the .plist file)
if ! [ -x "$(command -v gsed)" ]; then
  sudo port -N install gsed
    echo "skipping gsed install - it is already installed"

echo "------------ Running Ansible ------------"
if $SKIP_ANSIBLE; then
  echo "Skipping port installation via ansible"
  # get mythtv's ansible playbooks, and install required ports
  if [ -d "$REPO_DIR/ansible" ]; then
    echo "updating mythtv-anisble git repo"
    cd $REPO_DIR/ansible
    git stash
    git reset
    git pull
    echo "cloning mythtv-anisble git repo"
    git clone
  cd $REPO_DIR/ansible
  ANSIBLE_PLAYBOOK qt5.yml --ask-become-pass

echo "------------ Cloning / Updating Mythtv Git Repository ------------"
# setup mythtv source from git
if [ -d "$REPO_DIR/mythtv" ]; then
  echo "updating mythtv git repo"
  cd $REPO_DIR/mythtv
  git stash
  git reset
  git pull
  echo "cloning mythtv git repo"
  git clone -b $MYTHTV_VERS git://
# apply specified patches
if [ $APPLY_PATCHES ] && [ ! -z $MYTHTV_PATCH_DIR ]; then
  cd $REPO_DIR/mythtv
  for file in $MYTHTV_PATCH_DIR
    if [ -f "$file" ]; then
      echo "Applying Mythtv patch: $file"
      patch -p1 < $f

echo "------------ Cloning / Updating Packaging Git Repository ------------"
# get packaging
cd $REPO_DIR/mythtv
if [ -d $PKGING_DIR ]; then
  echo "updating mythtv-packaging git repo"
  git stash
  git reset
  git pull
  echo "cloning mythtv-packaging git repo"
  git clone -b $MYTHTV_VERS

if [ $APPLY_PATCHES ] && [ ! -z $PACK_PATCH_DIR ]; then
  for file in $PACK_PATCH_DIR
    if [ -f "$file" ]; then
      echo "Applying Packaging patch: $file"
      patch -p1 < $f

echo "------------ Configuring Mythtv ------------"
# configure mythfrontend
GIT_VERS=$(git rev-parse --short HEAD)
./configure --prefix=$INSTALL_DIR \
			--runprefix=../Resources \
			--enable-mac-bundle \
			--qmake=/opt/local/libexec/qt5/bin/qmake \
			--cc=clang \
			--cxx=clang++ \
			--extra-cxxflags=-I/opt/local/include \
			--extra-ldflags=-L/opt/local/lib \
			--disable-backend \
			--disable-distcc \
			--disable-firewire \
			--enable-libmp3lame \
			--enable-libxvid \
			--enable-libx264 \
			--enable-libx265 \
			--enable-libvpx \
			--enable-bdjava \

echo "------------ Coompiling Mythtv ------------"
#compile mythfrontend
echo "------------ Installing Mythtv ------------"
# need to do a make install or macdeployqt will not copy everything in and will fail.
make install

  echo "------------ Configuring Mythplugins ------------"
  # apply specified patches
  if [ $APPLY_PATCHES ] && [ ! -z $PLUGINS_PATCH_DIR ]; then
    for file in $PLUGINS_PATCH_DIR
      if [ -f "$file" ]; then
        echo "Applying Plugins patch: $file"
        patch -p1 < $f

  # configure plugins
  ./configure --prefix=$INSTALL_DIR \
  			--runprefix=../Resources \
  			--qmake=/opt/local/libexec/qt5/bin/qmake \
  			--cc=clang \
  			--cxx=clang++ \
  			--enable-mythgame \
  			--enable-mythmusic \
   			--enable-fftw \
  			--enable-cdio \
  			--enable-mythnews \
  			--enable-mythweather \
  			--disable-mytharchive \
  			--disable-mythnetvision \
  			--disable-mythzoneminder \
  			--disable-mythzmserver \

  echo "------------ Compiling Mythplugins ------------"
  #compile mythfrontend
  echo "------------ Installing Mythplugins ------------"
  make install

echo "------------ Deploying QT to Mythfrontend Executable ------------"
# Package up the executable
# run macdeployqt
/opt/local/libexec/qt5/bin/macdeployqt $APP_DIR/

echo "------------ Update to use internal dylibs ------------"
# run makebundle to copy all of the libraries into the bundle as Frameworks

echo "------------ Installing libcec and libmythbase into ------------"
# copy in libcec (missing for some reason...)
cp /opt/local/lib/libcec.4.*.dylib $APP_DIR/
install_name_tool -add_rpath "@executable_path/../Frameworks/libcec.4.0.5.dylib" $APP_DIR/
cp /opt/local/lib/libcec.4.dylib $APP_DIR/
install_name_tool -add_rpath "@executable_path/../Frameworks/libcec.4.dylib" $APP_DIR/
cp /opt/local/lib/libcec.dylib $APP_DIR/
install_name_tool -add_rpath "@executable_path/../Resources/libcec.dylib" $APP_DIR/
# copy in libmythbase (missing for some reason...)
cp $INSTALL_DIR/lib/libmythbase- $APP_DIR/
install_name_tool -add_rpath "@executable_path/../Frameworks/libmythbase-" $APP_DIR/
cp $INSTALL_DIR/lib/libmythbase-31.31.0.dylib $APP_DIR/
install_name_tool -add_rpath "@executable_path/../Frameworks/libmythbase-31.31.0.dylib" $APP_DIR/
cp $INSTALL_DIR/lib/libmythbase-31.31.dylib $APP_DIR/
install_name_tool -add_rpath "@executable_path/../Frameworks/libmythbase-31.31.dylib" $APP_DIR/
cp $INSTALL_DIR/lib/libmythbase-31.dylib $APP_DIR/
install_name_tool -add_rpath "@executable_path/../Frameworks/libmythbase-31.dylib" $APP_DIR/

echo "------------ Installing additional mythtv utility executables intoe  ------------"
# copy in mythpreviewgen and mythavtest (for good measure...)
cp -r $INSTALL_DIR/bin/ $APP_DIR/
cp -r $INSTALL_DIR/bin/ $APP_DIR/
cp -r $INSTALL_DIR/bin/ $APP_DIR/
cp -r $INSTALL_DIR/bin/ $APP_DIR/
cp -r $INSTALL_DIR/bin/ $APP_DIR/

echo "------------ Copying mythtv share directory into executable  ------------"
# copy in i18n, fonts, themes, plugin resources, etc from the install directory (share)
mkdir -p $APP_DIR/
cp -r $INSTALL_DIR/share/mythtv/* $APP_DIR/

echo "------------ Copying in dejavu and liberation fonts into   ------------"
# copy in missing fonts
cp /opt/local/share/fonts/dejavu-fonts/*.ttf $APP_DIR/
cp /opt/local/share/fonts/liberation-fonts/*.ttf $APP_DIR/

echo "------------ Copying in icon  ------------"
# copy in the icon
cp mythfrontend.icns $APP_DIR/

echo "------------ Add symbolic link structure for copied in files  ------------"
# make some symbolic links to match past working copies
cd $APP_DIR/
  ln -s ../PlugIns/sqldrivers .
cd $APP_DIR/
ln -s ../MacOS bin
  mkdir -p $APP_DIR/
  cd $APP_DIR/
  ln -s ../../../PlugIns plugins

echo "------------ Updating application plist  ------------"
# Update the plist
gsed -i "8c\	<string>application.icns</string>" $APP_DIR/
gsed -i "10c\	<string>org.osx-bundler.mythfrontend</string>\n	<key>CFBundleInfoDictionaryVersion</key>\n	<string>6.0</string>" $APP_DIR/
gsed -i "14a\	<key>CFBundleShortVersionString</key>\n	<string>31</string>" $APP_DIR/
gsed -i "18c\	<string>osx-bundler</string>\n	<key>NSAppleScriptEnabled</key>\n	<string>NO</string>\n	<key>CFBundleGetInfoString</key>\n	<string></string>\n	<key>CFBundleVersion</key>\n	<string>1.0</string>\n	<key>NSHumanReadableCopyright</key>\n	<string>MythTV Team</string>" $APP_DIR/

echo "------------ Generating .dmg file  ------------"
# Package up the build
if [ -f $APP_DIR/$VOL_NAME.dmg ] ; then
    mv $APP_DIR/$VOL_NAME.dmg $APP_DIR/$VOL_NAME$(date +'%d%m%Y%H%M%S').dmg 
hdiutil create $APP_DIR/$VOL_NAME.dmg -fs HFS+ -srcfolder $APP_DIR/ -volname $VOL_NAME

Re: Building Mythtv 31 with Ansible

Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2020 11:37 am
by crowston
FYI, I figured out an alternative solution to my problem: a hack that let me install 10.13 on the old laptop, which lets me run your version.

Re: Building Mythtv 31/32 with Ansible

Posted: Sun May 23, 2021 9:06 pm
by acediac
Thanks @jhoyt for your extensive work on the mythtv frontend on the latest Macs. I'm upgrading my system from El Capitan to Big Sur, and I've only used the macports prebuilt mythtv.28 (the only version available on macports) until now but I'd like to jump straight to release 31.

Are there any corresponding prebuilts or compilation scripts for mythbackend 31 on OSX? Or is it relatively easy to just compile the source package?

Re: Building Mythtv 31/32 with Ansible

Posted: Sun May 23, 2021 9:31 pm
by jhoyt
The build script actually does compile mythbackend - but I've never tested it since I have an Ubuntu based backend. I also don't bundle the application (like I do for mythfrontend). The current build script could be modified to get mythbackend wrapped.

If you grab the latest copy of the build script from the sourceforge site:
master: ... nsible.zsh
v31: ... 31/~/tree/
Then edit line 123 from:

Code: Select all


Code: Select all

Then run the script with

Code: Select all

./compileMythfrontendAnsible.zsh --build-plugins=true
Everything "should" compile and install into /opt/local/

Also, I know Craig (the macports maintainer for mythtv v28) was working on getting a port put together for v31, but I'm not sure how far he's gotten with his work.

Re: Building Mythtv 31/32 with Ansible

Posted: Mon May 24, 2021 2:26 am
by acediac
Thanks so much for the detailed and prompt response @jhoyt! I'll give it a go.

Re: Building Mythtv 31/32 with Ansible

Posted: Mon May 24, 2021 9:38 am
by jhoyt
One thing I forgot to mention - there's a bug in the current Xcode on Big Sur (12.5). The quick work around is to rename in VERSION file in the mythtv git repo.

If compiling for v31 run the following command after the script fails to build:

Code: Select all

mv ~/mythtv-31/mythtv/mythtv/VERSION ~/mythtv-31/mythtv/mythtv/VERSION.bak
The re-run the script. I'd probably also add the skip-=ansible flag since you don't need to go through that wait time again:

Code: Select all

./compileMythfrontendAnsible.zsh --build-plugins=true --skip-ansible=true

Re: Building Mythtv 31/32 with Ansible

Posted: Mon May 24, 2021 12:04 pm
by acediac
jhoyt wrote:
Mon May 24, 2021 9:38 am
One thing I forgot to mention - there's a bug in the current Xcode on Big Sur (12.5). The quick work around is to rename in VERSION file in the mythtv git repo.
Thanks @jhoyt, actually I'm running into problems with linking to Qt at the moment. From my brief research, the older Qts will not compile with XCode 12.5 as it needs macOS 11.0 SDK, but the latest Portfile in github will compile Qt 5.15, and that version runs better on Big Sur anyway.

In fact I saw in the trac comments you did exactly that a few months ago. So I am thinking I should patch the portfile with the latest and get Qt 5.15 installed first?

Re: Building Mythtv 31/32 with Ansible

Posted: Mon May 24, 2021 10:29 pm
by jhoyt
I just pushed an update to the sourceforge repo that puts in a temp fix for the Xcode 12.5/VERSION issue.

Patching the portfile to go to qt 5.15.2 probably makes sense. There were a ton of issues/changes when Apple rolled out Big Sur. Most were on the M1 side, but there were still a few that needed some help for qt 5.15. The prebuilt-binaries in the macports server currently work for me on both intel and arm.

I haven't tried compiling qt5 since the upgrade to Xcode 12.5 - but suspect there may be some new gremlins hidden in there. As such, I'd suggest going the prebuilt route if possible

Re: Building Mythtv 31/32 with Ansible

Posted: Fri May 28, 2021 12:40 pm
by jhoyt
Just a note - I updated my post from Sun May 23, 2021 4:31 pm to fix to issues:

1) the install directory should be /opt/local
2) I added links to both master and v31 build scripts on sourceforge. The only difference to the two scripts is whatever version they point to in git.
BTW - you can manually set this with the --version flag (e.g. --version=master or --version=fixes/31)

Re: Building Mythtv 31/32 with Ansible

Posted: Wed Jun 09, 2021 11:08 am
by acediac
Finally got around to doing this, and I was able to successfully compile mythtv v31, thanks to jhoyt's ansible script.

This was on Big Sur 11.3.1 and Xcode 12.5 on intel arch

The latest macports will install qt 5.15.2 so I didn't need to patch anything.
I tried to use py39 but there is no py39-requests-cache port
Tried to use mariadb10.5 but it requires py39
So in the end had to go with mariadb10.3 and py38

Had a problem with p5-dbd-mysql and had to rebuild perl5.28 with

Code: Select all

sudo port -ns upgrade --force perl5.28
then install it with mariadb10.3 variant

Code: Select all

sudo port install p5-dbd-mysql +mariadb10_3
Took a while but it compiled everything in the end! Haven't done a thorough test run yet though.
Have not tried compiling the master tree.

Thanks to @jhoyt for all the tips and assistance.


Re: Building Mythtv 31/32 with Ansible

Posted: Wed Jun 09, 2021 11:46 pm
by jhoyt
Glad to know you got it compiling. This bodes well for an eventual port for v31. My guess is you'll be fine building master as I just did a build last weekend with a similar setup.

BTW - the VERSION file work around is no longer necessary. The "fix" renaming the file was committed to both master and fixes/31 a few days ago.